Invisible mannequin photography

A fitted look, no model required. Using special techniques, apparel can be photographed styled on a mannequin which is then removed in post production creating a hollow appearance commonly called “invisible mannequin” or “hollow man.”

In order to achieve this look your garment is first photographed normally on an appropriate mannequin. Then, the parts of the garment that were obscured from view by the mannequin, such as the inner neck area, are photographed separately. Later in Photoshop, our team combines the two images in a way that makes your garment look like it is being worn by an invisible mannequin, or ghost. It’s a great solution allowing for a fitted look without the need for a model.

When sending garments we recommend using medium sizes when possible.

Let’s do this.

Reach out and let us show your products in their best light.


Studio address

Kyalami, Gauteng

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